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Album review

JIMI BARBIANI BAND: "Boogie Down The Road-Live!" (Grooveyard Records)

“After hearing Clapton, Hendrix, Beck, Winter, and so on, you’d think there was little left to hear in the blues-rock vein. Enter Jimi Barbiani, who takes the blues-rock vein and shoots a mellifluous form of dope into it! As evidenced on his previous discs, both his solo material and with the band W.I.N.D., this guy is right up there with the best of them. But Barbiani brings new life to the music, and this is especially so on ‘Boogie Down the Road - Live.’ A tour de force of blues-rock, Barbiani shows what he’s got, and what he’s got is considerable. Aside from his straight playing, he has mastered slide, too, as one can hear on the CD's latter songs. His slide is as developed as that of Derek Trucks, and in some ways he is even more versatile.
If you like blues-rock with guitar chops that can’t be duplicated, check out Barbiani’s new disc — it will transport you to the Delta via Mars, and send you back to earth as a new person! One with a renewed taste for the blues.”

Steven J. Rosen / Author + Journalist (December 2017)