“After hearing Clapton, Hendrix, Beck, Winter, and so on, you’d think there was little left to hear in the blues-rock vein. Enter Jimi Barbiani, who takes the blues-rock vein and shoots a mellifluous form of dope into it! As evidenced on his previous discs, both his solo material and with the band W.I.N.D., this guy is right up there with the best of them. But Barbiani brings new life to the music, and this is especially so on ‘Boogie Down the Road - Live.’ A tour de force of blues-rock, Barbiani shows what he’s got, and what he’s got is considerable.
Jimi Barbiani Band: "Boogie Down The Road-Live!"
The JBB has been
influenced by artists such as Jimi Hendrix, Joe Bonamassa, Jeff Beck and Gov't Mule.
With his new band, Barbiani is already on his third (a live) album.The JBB is a power trio that consists of bass player Daniele Vicario and drummer Gianluca Zavan.
His live album is an album with four original songs and six covers. The vocals are divided between
Barbiani and Vicario. On keys they receive support from Pietro Taucher and Nicholas Zampa.
Partiamo per Salisburgo col furgone bello carico di energia.
Questa volta con noi,oltre all'ormai fedele Piero Pattay alla voce,c'è anche Gianni Massarutto con le sue armoniche nella valigetta.!
Daniele,Gianluca ed io sappiamo già cosa ci aspetta la sera…Il locale è piccolissimo caldo di un'atmosfera piena di bella gente che vuole ascoltare musica!
Un veloce check-in nell'albergo e subito siamo sul palco..partiamo con un set quasi "acustico".Tutta la gente è ordinatamente seduta a cogliere ogni nota e a sottolineare ogni assolo con un mite applauso.
Know what it's like to have an orgasm? That intoxicating feeling that floods through your whole body, makes your muscles contract, and then leaves you feeling satisfied and calm? If not, listen to Back on the Tracks by Jimi Barbiani and his band, and you'll understand what I'm talking about. After experiencing the eleven tracks on this record, you'll feel like you've had rampant sex with rock 'n' roll. It's practically impossible to summarise in a few lines what Jimi Barbiani stands for. He is a living legend.
L'ho visto suonare, Jimi Barbiani (allora militava nei W.I.N.D.), in una stanza immersa nella penombra d'un locale del Friuli orientale, la mia, la nostra terra. Un'eruzione di note infuocate, una mano che sembrava mossa da un'entità sovrannaturale, tale era il pathos letteralmente emanato da quell'uomo fuso tutt'uno col suo strumento. Ed eccolo ora con la sua band, la sua creatura, ed un album che, anche se ancorato al passato, suona freschissimo ed ispirato. E che disco!